What are the dates and times for the Event?

This event is held Friday, May 9th and Saturday, May 10th. Check in begins as early as 10 am at the first home on the tour. You must check in by at least 2 pm.  The Artisan Market, in the garden of the last home, will close at 5 pm on both Friday and Saturday.

When is the best time to attend?

Our busiest times are Friday and Saturday from 10 am-12 pm.  Take this into consideration when planning your visit. As a reminder, last check-in time each day is 2 pm. 

Event Parking:

Information to come as event gets closer.

Where do I check in?

Check-in information will be provided on your ticket at the time of purchase. Upon check-in, you will receive a program and map with addresses for all the homes.

Can the tickets be used on multiple days?

No, your ticket may not be used for more than one day. Your ticket is good for EITHER Friday May 9th OR Saturday May 10th.

I need an additional ticket. How can I purchase one?

Tickets are available for $40 online until 8 pm on Thursday May 8, 2024. After that, you may purchase tickets at check in for $45.

How many homes and gardens are on the tour?

This year's tour features four expansive homes.

What should I wear during the event?

Please wear comfortable shoes, no heels.  No big backpacks or strollers will be permitted in the homes. Some homes require shoe coverings which will be provided on site.

May we take photographs in the homes?

To respect the home owners privacy, no photos are allowed.  

Do I have to bring my ticket to the event?

If you have purchased your ticket online, your name will be used to check in. If you’ve purchased or received a paper ticket through a Gilroy Assistance League member, please bring it for check in.

Are children allowed on the tour?

Only infants under one year and children over 12 years are allowed on the tour. Strollers will not be allowed in homes.

Are the homes on the tour handicap accessible?

The homes are not wheelchair accessible. Please note, some of the homes and gardens have stairs and uneven, unpaved pathways.

More questions?

Please contact us at info@gilroyassistanceleague.org.